Movies directed by karel-vachek

Bohemia Docta or the Labyrinth of the World and the Lust-House of the Heart (A Divine Comedy)

Obscurantist and His Lineage or The Pyramids' Tearful Valley
What Is to Be Done? A Journey from Prague to Ceský Krumlov, or How I Formed a New Government
Experience of an Exorcist
Malíř Kamil Lhoták

Communism and the Net, or the End of Representative Democracy

Moravian Hellas
Who Will Watch the Watchman? Dalibor, or the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin
New Hyperion or Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood
Nový byt
Stoletá voda
Points for the President aka Attempt at Contrarevolution

Všichni mají pravdu? Karel Floss a ti druzí